
Now more than ever, chronic pain deserves awareness. U.S. Pain staff are excited to see how pain ambassadors, advocates and volunteers will apply themselves to help make Pain Awareness Month (PAM) a success this September. The goal of PAM is to raise awareness and provide educational resources for individuals living with chronic pain.

“Our volunteers are the reason we are able to make an impact  on the pain community,” says Lori Monarca, co-director of Ambassador Program, who coordinates the ambassador program along with Jaclyn Drexel, also co-director of Ambassador Program.  “Your hard work and dedication  will provide the necessary fuel to launch this cause into the spotlight.”

This year, U.S. Pain is expanding its efforts across the nation with numerous opportunities that will allow volunteers to get involved and help  make PAM exceed everyone’s expectations.

“PAM is a success because of the hard work and dedication of our volunteers,” says Drexel. “We encourage you to get involved now to help make a difference in the pain community. We offer a wide range of ways to participate to allow people with limitations to participate to the fullest extent possible.”

Here are ways to get involved:

  1. Host a community outreach program: This includes awareness events at the state capitol, displaying the INvisible Project at a local institution, setting up an information table during a health- or community related conference or event, or creating an information station at a pain clinic, hospital, and other such venue. U.S. Pain can provide you with all the materials you need. For more information or to get started, email [email protected].
  2. Obtain a state proclamation: Pain ambassadors can request a proclamation from their local mayor’s or governor’s office to recognize September as Pain Awareness Month for their town or  state. To get started, email [email protected].
  3. Post during the 30-Day Challenge: This social media challenge allows anyone from the public  to participate in various tasks by posting a daily photo or statement in response to a prompt. The daily prompts will be posted each morning on U.S. Pain’s Twitter and Facebook pages.  We need your help to participate in the challenge and share it with other members of the public and pain community.
  4. Participate in Beautify in Blue The Beautify in Blue campaign is open to ambassadors and advocates who are willing to obtain approval from town leaders to place and set up Beautify in Blue signage, ribbons, and any other materials provided by U.S. Pain Foundation. To get started, email [email protected].
  5. Take part in Light Up the Landmarks: Did you know that many landmarks, upon request, will use special colored lights in honor of a specific campaign or event? This year, U.S. Pain is requesting that landmarks be lit up with the color blue on Sept. 9.  To get started, email [email protected].

For more information about PAM, visit www.uspainawarenessmonth.org.