
Age: 41

Location: Anderson, Indiana

U.S. Pain Foundation role: Ambassador since 2019

Health conditions: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, spondylosis, osteopenia, optic neuritis, and psoriasis

Tip for pain warriors: “I have found that pain journaling is helpful in identifying pain triggers, as well as remembering things that have helped lessen my pain in the past (it also helps my doctor). Also, I have found that having a friend who has chronic pain to lend a sympathetic ear during the rough patches helpful, especially when they care enough to call and check on you!”

Fun fact: “I have a one-year old grandson who lives with me and keeps me busy, but I also like to help others and make people smile.”

Charity Schussler has been sharing about her journey with chronic pain for years as a way to educate the public about living with chronic pain and all that goes with it. Charity is constantly raising awareness, whether it be through obtaining a proclamation declaring September as Pain Awareness Month, decorating her town during the Beautify in Blue campaign, or passing out information for other pain patients throughout the year. Charity attended U.S. Pain’s Advocacy Summit this fall and just completed the chronic pain support group training. She is a a constant source of kindness to all she encounters.