
Op-eds, blogs, articles, and other communications are excellent platforms to create awareness and understanding for the pain community. These write-ups can be used to share individual pain journeys or the experiences of multiple people with pain. Either way, the U.S. Pain Foundation wants your voice to be heard through every possible platform.

“You have the ability to change the negative perceptions held by many people about what it means to live with pain,” says Jacki Drexel, who serves as co-director of the Pain Ambassador Network, alongside Lori Monarca.  “We hope you can help U.S. Pain open a positive and productive dialogue that accurately reflects the daily battle fought by pain warriors.”

As part of the effort to highlight the stories of people with pain, pain warriors are invited to answer the following question for an article collaboration between U.S. Pain and The Mighty: “What is the one thing you want people to know and understand about what life is like for a pain warrior?”

This question will be posted on our social media pages soon. An article will then be written from your responses and highlighted as part of our Pain Awareness Month activities. U.S. Pain will send out a notification once the article has published to ensure you have the opportunity to share it.

While September provides an opportunity to unite, U.S Pain also encourages pain warriors to share their individual stories.  Op-eds, in particular, allow your voice to be heard directly through your local paper or news media outlets. They also serve as an effective tool to communicate the meaning behind the events being held in your local community. The components needed for a strong and effective op-ed include the following:

  • Find a timely news hook.
  • Know the word limit.
  • Provide your contact information.
  • Provide a headshot.
  • Draw the reader in.
  • Make a clear point or argument.
  • Support your argument.
  • Identify a solution.
  • Create a call-to-action.

Details and recommendations for submitting your op-ed can be found on the op-eds page of the Pain Awareness Month website. For more information on Pain Awareness Month and other ways to get involved, visit its website.