I am almost 73 years old and live with multiple medical complexities. When you discover measures are available to...
Blog Articles
Lost and Found
In 2006, two years after being diagnosed with a condition I had actually been born with called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,...
Treatment Options for Veterans with Neurological Disorders and Chronic Pain
We owe great gratitude to our veterans who have selflessly served our country. Unfortunately, many brave men and women...
Join our celebration of the latest INvisible Project!
Just in time for National Minority Health Month in April, the INvisible Project: Disparities edition is now available...
Life after vaccination
By: Ellen Lenox Smith As my husband and I get closer to receiving our second of our two-dose COVID-19 vaccination, we...
Local woman named U.S. Pain’s 2020 Ambassador of the Year
DENVER, CO (March 19, 2021)--The largest nonprofit for people with pain, U.S. Pain Foundation is proud to announce...
Let’s reconsider how we evaluate nontraditional therapies
By: Malcolm Herman The National Institutes of Health is comprised of 27 institutes, all of which deal with specific...
Service dog separations
By: Ellen Lenox Smith We were recently enjoying watching the new show “Transplant” when in one scene, my heart sank...
Linda Shaw is the Ambassador of the Year
U.S. Pain is proud to announce Linda Shaw as the 2020 recipient of the Joselynn Badman Ambassador of the Year. This...
Support groups and feeling understood
By: Mary Beth Lewis As a person with chronic pain, it’s hard to find other people who understand my life. My daily...
Advancing multidisciplinary pain care at the federal level
The Substance Use Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and...
Learn how virtual reality can decrease pain
This month’s Building Your Toolbox event will be Tuesday, March 2, at 7:30 pm ET and will feature mental health expert...