
The Ouchie app is successfully used by thousands of people to track and manage their chronic pain. It’s also a powerful platform for connecting with and getting support from fellow patients.

The team behind Ouchie recently created a new series that features the stories and perspectives of people living with chronic pain, including members of U.S. Pain. Download the app to learn more about members like Jason Schutz of the blog, “Ain’t No Shame in Chronic Pain,” who wrote a piece about the value of support groups. You can also find helpful tips and resources from clinical experts.

Ouchie was created by Rachel Trobman, who lives with pain due to mixed connective tissue disease. “Speaking from personal experience, I know the value of connecting with others who understand what you’re going through. No one should hurt alone.”

If you would like to share your experience with chronic pain, email hello@ouchie.com to get in touch.