
“Building Your Toolbox” videoconference series

“Building Your Toolbox” is a monthly educational series that teaches individuals different pain management strategies or skills from an expert. It’s conducted using the Zoom Meeting platform, which allows participants to interact directly with the speaker, see and hear one another. While we encourage you to join via video, you can still participate and benefit from the series without video.

The series is held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm ET, and it’s led by a U.S. Pain representative. The event follows a particular format, which includes a welcome message, a brief presentation from a speaker about a specific pain modality, and an open Q&A and discussion with participants.

NOTE: By registering for all or part of this series, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of our waiver.

Building Your Toolbox

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Days: First Tuesday of the month
Time: 7:30pm ET
Contact: Samantha Noriega at [email protected]

Waiver and Release*
By registering for Building Your Toolbox, I acknowledge that I have agreed to participate in an educational series organized by the U.S. Pain Foundation, Inc. I understand that the US Pain Foundation, Inc. does not advocate, recommend, or endorse any one particular therapy, treatment or product for the management of pain. The information provided is educational only and not meant to take the place of your health care provider; you should always consult with him or her about your unique health situation. If you feel that your medical condition(s) are adversely affected by your participation in this webinar, it is your responsibility to discontinue participation and to immediately consult with your healthcare provider.
Would you like monthly reminders for Building Your Toolbox meetings?*
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Tuesday, July 2

Alexander Technique

Join us Tuesday, July 2, at 7:30pm ET to learn about the Alexander Technique. Attendees will learn:

  • Recognize unconscious reactions and patterns that may contribute to pain

  • Ways to deal with those reactions and patterns to reduce stress, tension and pain

  • Discuss how you can apply in your daily life

Guest Presenter: Mari Hodges, MScMed (Pain Management), TPS, M.AmSAT


Chronic neck and back pain led Mari Hodges to the Alexander Technique, sparking her interest in pain science. As an Alexander Technique practitioner and pain management specialist, Mari serves as an educator, guide, coach, and fellow explorer with clients, many of whom live with persistent pain. Her aim is not to “fix” anyone’s pain, but rather to assist individuals in embarking on a journey toward better health, well-being, and personal transformation by fostering learning, curiosity, and self-awareness. Through the application of these principles in her own practice, Mari helps clients discover self-acceptance, a sense of inner safety, enjoyment in moving in new ways, and increased confidence in making conscious choices, with or without pain.

Mari obtained her Alexander Technique teaching certificate from the Escuela de Técnica Alexander Buenos Aires. She also holds a Therapeutic Pain Specialist certificate from Purdue University and a Master of Science in Medicine in Pain Management from the University of Sydney. Additionally, she is certified as an Art of Running instructor.

Mari runs a private practice as an Alexander Technique teacher and pain coach, and leads the volunteer PainSavvy Walk & Talk community program in Missoula, Montana. She also conducts courses for practitioners and individuals living with pain.

In her leisure time, Mari enjoys delving into pain science, cross-country skiing, and dancing tango. For more information, visit DiscoverEase.how.



Future Events

August 2024  –  Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

September 2024  –  Neuroplasticity

October 2024  –  Progressive Muscle Relaxation

November 2024  –  Virtual Reality

December 2024 – A Guide to Managing the Season

2024 Building Your Toolbox Recordings

January 2024: A Personal Experience and Tools Learned led by guest presenter, Michele Rice

February 2024: Chair Yoga led by guest presenter, Jess Napier

March 2024: Magnetic Field Energy led by guest presenter, Bob Deschner

April 2024: Massage and Self-Care led by guest presenter, Lindsay Bingham

Past Recordings of Building Your Toolbox

March 2023: The Feldenkrais Method® led by guest presenter Robert Valdez, Jr.

April 2023: The Importance of Breathing led by guest presenter, Kristina Knight, C-IAYT.

May 2023: The Fundamentals of Gut Health and Chronic Pain led by guest presenter, Dr. Jason Winkelmann.

June 2023: Understanding Acupressure Points led by guest presenter, Christine Sotmary.

July 2023: Developing a Wellness Morning Routine led by guest presenter, Joseph Rendina, PT, DPT, OCS

August 2023: Mitochondrial Health led by guest presenter, Dr. Jason Winkelmann (PDF of slides)

September 2023: The Impact of Peer-to-Peer Support led by guest presenter, Sara Gehrig

October 2023: The Importance of Writing led by guest presenter, Millie Quiñones-Dunlap

November 2023: Unleashing the Power of Hypnosis led by guest presenter, Ricca Riojas

December 2023: Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Chronic Pain led by guest presenter, Debbie Hall

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the link for attending via Zoom. If you do not receive this email or have questions about registration, please email [email protected].