
Earlier last month, U.S. Pain Foundation published its 12th edition of the INvisible Project, the pediatric second edition. The issue features the stories and photos of 10 children living with painful conditions ranging from spina bifida to complex regional pain syndrome. It is the fourth and final edition to be published this year. The magazine was released in conjunction with the first-ever pediatric pain retreat, held Nov. 9 through 11.

“We were honored to be able to highlight the bravery of these amazing kids and their families,” says Nicole Hemmenway, interim CEO of U.S. Pain and director of the INvisible Project. “Their positivity and strength inspires me, and I hope it inspires you.”

Here’s a glimpse into the children featured:

  • Liam O’Reilly is a 12-year-old with complex regional pain syndrome who is focused on what he can do: share his love for his best friends and family, a passion for the Boy Scouts, his talent for cooking, and his skill at wheelchair basketball. His dream is to someday become a pediatric doctor and help other children with conditions like his.
  • Maggie Rozich was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as an infant and has faced other health challenges over the years. But she persevered and graduated from high school. She now plans on attending college to become a phlebotomist or an American Sign Language interpreter, bringing one of the trained service dogs she raises herself.

  • Ryane and Robbi Blazzard, two teenage sisters who were born with spina bifida and related complications. They have each had 14 and 18 surgeries, respectively. Despite their health concerns, they are focused on living normal lives, whether swimming or listening to music.

The flagship program of the organization, the INvisible Project is a print magazine and corresponding traveling display that aims to raise public awareness about chronic pain and offer hope to those living with it.

This edition also features articles with tips and resources for pediatric pain. To read the stories in this issue, visit the INvisible Project website. To request a copy, email nicole@invisibleproject.org.