
Media Contact
Andrea Obston
(860) 243-1447 (office)
(860) 803-1155 (cell)

MIDDLETOWN, CT, October 29, 2019 – The former CEO of the U.S. Pain Foundation, Paul Gileno, was sentenced today to a year and one day of imprisonment. This sentencing was in connection with Gileno’s guilty plea in the District of Connecticut on June 17, 2019, to wire fraud and tax evasion, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1343 and 26 U.S.C. 7201. A restitution order will be imposed by the Court in the coming weeks.

Gileno resigned from his position at the request of the Board of Directors on May 31, 2018, after his misappropriation of substantial funds came to light. The organization reported Gileno’s suspected theft to authorities and has fully cooperated with the investigation. Since discovering Gileno’s theft, the Board of Directors has implemented a system to ensure significant financial oversight and responsible stewardship. These checks and balances include: detailed requirements for reimbursement of expenses; a two-step approval process for all disbursements; the separation of duties and internal controls surrounding all financial-related transactions, including a detailed review of monthly financial statements, cash flows, program expenditure reports, and annual budget.

“Today’s judgement is a step in the right direction towards resolution of this matter and we expect that the Court will impose a restitution order in the next few weeks,” says U.S. Pain’s interim CEO, Nicole Hemmenway. “In the meantime, our top priority continues to be addressing the needs of people with chronic pain through our free programs and services as we move forward as an organization.”

About U.S. Pain Foundation

The mission of the U.S. Pain Foundation is to empower, educate, connect, and advocate for individuals living with chronic illness that causes pain, as well as their caregivers and clinicians. Through the organization’s multiple programs and services, it works to enhance the quality of life for people with pain, improve patient outcomes, address access and affordability issues, and increase public awareness and empathy for the issue of pain. The U.S. Pain Foundation is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization. For more information, visit www.uspainfoundation.org