
Established in 2009, T1D Exchange is a nonprofit organization that facilitates research and drives quality improvement in health care and outcomes for people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D).

How T1D Exchange Propels Meaningful Change

The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) is made up of 60 diabetes centers nationally, collectively caring for over 100,000 individuals living with diabetes. Our quality improvement coaches and data scientists work with the health care providers at these clinics to identify and implement evidence-based solutions. Findings have led to increased rates of depression screening, increased use of diabetes management devices among racial and ethnic minorities, and reduced A1C results in people with T1D.

The T1D Exchange Registry is an online, longitudinal research study designed to capture the experiences and challenges of individuals living with T1D, with over 19,000 participants living with T1D or their caregivers. Participants complete an annual questionnaire and are provided with a dashboard of curated T1D research opportunities. Registry participants have the option to participate in additional research studies and clinical trials throughout the year.

The T1D Exchange Online Community is a platform for over 50,000 people living with T1D and members of their support network. It offers news on the latest treatments and devices, updates on research opportunities, and the opportunity to interact with others living with T1D.

Members of the T1D Exchange Registry and Online Community have participated in numerous research studies on topics like diabetes distress, exercise and T1D, and hypoglycemia. They also have participated in clinical trials studying cell-based T1D therapies, diabetic peripheral neuropathy treatments, GLP-1 agonists, and more.

To learn more, visit t1dexchange.org.


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