Each KNOWvember, U.S. Pain Foundation explores a different pain modality. This year, we’re focusing on neuropathic pain, which is pain caused by damage to the various levels of the nervous system.
One in three Americans live with chronic pain. Of those people, one in five live with neuropathic pain.
Our 2021 KNOWvember initiative, #NeuroPain, highlights the various forms of neuropathic pain and the impact it has on real people. Throughout November, we’ll share a fact about neuropathic pain on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, along with one article a week that focuses on different aspects of neuropathic pain and care. We will also host a webinar and a Twitter chat with experts in the field.
On this page, you’ll find all the articles we publish, source information for each #NeuroPain fact, and more.
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Social Media Fact Sources
- Fact: Studies estimate the prevalence of pain with neuropathic characteristics in the population may be between 6.9–10%. Source
- Fact: More than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy have been identified, each with its own symptoms and prognosis. Source
- Fact: Neuropathic pain affects 7–10% of the general population. Source
- Fact: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy eventually affects nearly 50% of adults with diabetes during their lifetime. Source
- Fact: Chronic neuropathic pain is more frequent in women (8% versus 5.7% in men). Source
- Fact: Sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression are frequent and severe in patients with neuropathic pain. Source
- Fact: Neuropathic pain occurs in about 1 in every 10 adults over age 30. Source
- Fact: Neuropathic pain is common in cancer patients. Source
- Fact: 77 percent of patients reported their symptoms were improved (significantly, moderately, or somewhat) after nerve surgery. Source
- Fact: In 2011-12, the annual costs related to neuropathic pain was estimated to be $27,259 per patient. Source
- Fact: Veterans can face early-onset peripheral neuropathy due to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service. Source
- Fact: 25% of patients lost more than a year of time from work or school because of a nerve injury. Source
- Fact: Neuropathic pain can have a large mental impact on patients, including irritability and social withdrawal. Source
- Fact: Although recognition of neuropathic pain in children has increased during the past 20 years, we still lack the research to know how widespread it truly is. Source
- Fact: Certain groups have a higher burden of neuropathic pain, including women, older people, those with less formal education, those living in rural residences, and economically disadvantaged individuals. Source
This campaign was created through support from Axogen, Inc. and Vertex Pharmaceuticals. U.S. Pain Foundation developed the content without review from sponsors. This information is educational only and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a health care professional.