

Welcome to Remedy, a blog by U.S. Pain Foundation. Remedy features information about promising treatments, tips and strategies for self-management, unique perspectives from patients, clinicians, and caregivers–and much more. To submit an article idea, email us.

Please note: U.S. Pain Foundation does not endorse any specific treatment options; blog posts are educational only. Views expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the organization.

Locating the right doctor for you: Simple steps to get started

By Janet Jay Finding a new doctor or other medical professional can be incredibly daunting-- not only do you want to find someone good, but you have to also factor in cost, insurance, distance, compatibility, background, and dozens of other factors. Luckily, knowing some basic search strategies...

How pain impacts sleep

By Lisa Ann Smalls Pain and sleep are two vital functions our bodies need to work effectively. Pain lets us know something is wrong somewhere in our system. Sleep gives or bodies the chance to restore and revitalize itself. The problem when pain impacts sleep is that it can become a vicious cycle...

Clearing up 12 common myths about medical cannabis for pain

Ellen Lenox Smith is Co-Director of Medical Cannabis for U.S. Pain and a U.S. Pain Board Member. She lives with two rare conditions: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and sarcoidosis. After years of struggling to find pain relief without side effects or adverse reactions, she discovered medical cannabis. A...

A Q&A about opioid-induced constipation

A Q&A with Jeffrey Fudin, BS, PharmD, FCCP, FASHP, FFSMB Opioid medications are rarely the first choice of individuals with chronic pain. But for people with severe pain who have not found relief from other therapies, opioids may be necessary. Unfortunately, opioids can have a number of side...

Voices from the Hill

Voices from the Hill

By Jorie Logan-Morris and Jeannette Rotondi Every year in February, advocates for migraine and headache disease come together in Washington, D.C., for an event known as Headache on the Hill (HOH). HOH is organized by the Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy (AHDA) and has been running now for...

Understanding paroxysmal extreme pain disorder

By Reese Jones Rare Disease Day was last month, but it’s always a good time to raise awareness about unique disorders. Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder, or PEPD, is a little-known and discussed illness — even among people that are affected by chronic pain. Characterized by skin redness, flushing,...

 Holistic approaches to chronic pain

By Deborah Ellis, ND, CTN If you’re like me, and millions of others, you’ve probably suffered with chronic pain for a year or longer. Chronic pain affects 50 million Americans, 20 million of whom have high-impact chronic pain. It has been linked to increased risk of major mental...

Managing fibromyalgia in children

By Brent Wells, DC, a chiropractor and founder of Better Health Chiropractic in Anchorage If your child feels tired and achy, you may not worry initially. After all, there’s nothing urgent about what seems to be mild, general discomfort. However, if your child is constantly in pain, exhausted,...

How I refused to allow pain to stop me from traveling

By Anne M. Smith, owner of Travel & Events Extraordinaire and a U.S. Pain ambassador When I was first bombarded with multiple pain conditions nine years ago, I was completely overwhelmed, and there are still days when it tries to overtake me. As a travel agency owner and event manager, I have...

Pain Awareness Month: Always aware of my chronic pain

By Kerry L. Wong When most people think of sarcoidosis, what usually comes to mind is … OK, let’s start by correcting that – most people don’t ever think of sarcoidosis at all (in fact, most have never even heard of it). Once they learn of this disease, usually because someone they know has been...