

Welcome to Remedy, a blog by U.S. Pain Foundation. Remedy features information about promising treatments, tips and strategies for self-management, unique perspectives from patients, clinicians, and caregivers–and much more. To submit an article idea, email us.

Please note: U.S. Pain Foundation does not endorse any specific treatment options; blog posts are educational only. Views expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the organization.

COVID-19 magnifies stress on caregivers

COVID-19 magnifies stress on caregivers

By: Stu Smith Over the past few months, the American public has been provided a great deal of scientific and medical information relative to COVID-19. We have learned from the nation’s best scientific minds that for the overwhelming majority of the general population, this disease presents a...

Tips for talking to your doctor via telemedicine

Tips for talking to your doctor via telemedicine

by Gwenn Herman, LCSW, DCSW Many patients are trying out telemedicine for the first time as a result of COVID-19. But figuring out the technology can be overwhelming, and you may find it difficult to get your concerns and needs across in a remote setting. Below, I've outlined some tips for how to...

My pain relief with cannabis

My pain relief with cannabis

By: Ellen Lenox Smith When it was first suggested I try medical marijuana to see if it would relieve the pain being experienced, I thought the doctor was nuts. Back in 2007, I had never once even thought about that as an option. I had tried marijuana recreationally in college and hated the feeling...

“Catastrophizing”: A form of pain shaming

“Catastrophizing”: A form of pain shaming

How the buzzword “catastrophizing” stigmatizes people with chronic pain By Gwenn Herman, LCSW, DCSW The first time I heard the word "catastrophizing" being used to describe the pain experience on a national level was at a chronic pain lecture at the National Institutes of Health. It sent shivers...

Mind you

Mind you

By: Mia Maysack I have never said that mindfulness fixes or cures, that it is easy, looks the same for everyone, or that it should even be referred to by that term. It would be incorrect of me to make the claim that anything erases discomfort and all symptoms attached to them. Yet instead of...

The importance of role models

The importance of role models

By Angelica "Heidi" Brehm Before my migraine disease caused me daily pain and disability, I was an elementary school teacher. I intentionally taught my students about people who shared their backgrounds, challenges, and differences who managed to dream big and accomplish amazing things. I...

Tips: medical marijuana during the pandemic

By: Ellen Lenox Smith It is tough enough to be able to afford medical marijuana because it is not reimbursed by insurance. And now, we add the horror of this pandemic, leaving so many financially compromised. However you obtain your medication, you should do what you can to protect yourself and...

The picture of perfection

By: Michaela O'Connor So many people with chronic illness look back at their lives prior to their illnesses with such nostalgia, pride, and infallibility. It is as if their lives were the picture of perfection with nothing and no one to hold them back. They forget the embarrassments, shortcomings,...

Shelter in place? I’m used to staying at home

By Melinda Sandor Being stuck at home is new to many people. But I started sheltering in place in 2013 when I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I spent three years on IV therapy, seven days a week, and walked only to the bathroom and back. The years after IV therapy were just as rough. I required...

Letter of hope to parents of medically compromised children

By: Ellen Lenox Smith As I celebrated Mother’s Day, I received an email from our youngest of four sons that brought me to tears. He thanked me for always being there when he confronted a number of very serious medical issues during his childhood and early adulthood. He also shared that now as a...