Pain Awareness Month, recognized annually in September, is just two months away! The theme this year, #LetsTalkAboutPain, is about the power of sharing patient stories and experiences. More details about how to get involved with U.S. Pain’s “Storyathon” campaign will be available in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, U.S. Pain volunteers are encouraged to get involved with annual initiatives to raise awareness: obtaining proclamations from state and local governments and asking landmarks and buildings to light up in blue on Sept. 13 for Shine Blue for Pain (formerly Light Up the Landmarks). Participation in these campaigns requires advance preparation, so volunteers are urged to get started now.
For the last several years, U.S. Pain Foundation has been successful in securing dozens of proclamations each year designating September as Pain Awareness Month. Requests are made by our volunteers to governor’s offices and local officials across the country. We provide you with step-by-step instructions, as well as easy-to-use templates, to ensure the process is fast and easy for you!
If you would like to serve as your state’s lead for submitting the proclamation request to your governor’s office, please fill out this application form. Please note that state leads will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, but there’s always the opportunity to submit a request to your local leaders at the town/city level.
We’re asking that volunteers be able to submit the proclamation request by July 30, ensuring your Governor’s office or town leadership have ample time to respond.
Shine Blue for Pain
Volunteers of U.S. Pain will again have the opportunity to empower fellow pain warriors across the country and within their communities by requesting local landmarks and buildings illuminate in blue, the designated color for pain awareness, during September.
This year, U.S. Pain is asking that landmarks be lit up with the color blue on Sept. 13. This can be a spotlight, string of lights, or simple lightbulb in a prominent area.
To participate in Shine Blue for Pain, fill out this application form by July 30. We’ll provide you with next steps and a template letter to submit to your desired landmark or building.
Start today!
If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about Pain Awareness Month, visit or email