
Most 16 year olds are focused on their cellphones and televisions. But not 16-year-old Tyler Cashman, of Tewksbury, N.J. Tyler will host two “Points for Pain” fundraiser basketball games at Old Turnpike Middle School on Jan. 24 at 5 pm and at Voorhees High School on Jan. 29 at 7 pm. [PLEASE NOTE: The Jan. 29 game has been reschedule to Feb. 11 due to inclement weather.] All proceeds benefit Pediatric Pain Warriors, which provides support for children with chronic pain and their families through weekend retreats, education days, a magazine highlighting pediatric patient stories, a pen pal program, and more.

Tyler raises funding by asking sports fans to pledge donations based on the number of points their team scores. In the last four years, he has raised more than $100,000. For his hard work, in 2017, Tyler received an award and $10,000 grant from the New York Yankees as part of HOPE Week.

While the focus of Points for Pain is fundraising, it’s also a great chance to raise awareness about pediatric pain. At the beginning of each game, Tyler explains the challenges these children faces and why support is so important.

Tyler established the program in honor of his mom, Casey, who lives with chronic pain. He witnessed her work with U.S. Pain Foundation, the leading nonprofit for children and adults with chronic pain, and wanted to help. Together, he and Casey collaborated with U.S. Pain Foundation to create the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program.

Unfortunately, Tyler is no stranger to chronic illness himself: He lives with a condition that is causing him to gradually lose his vision. But even his own personal challenges can’t get in the way of his dedication to helping others through Points for Pain.

For more information about Points for Pain, click here or email pointsforpain@uspainfoundation.org.