Happiness is defined as a mental and emotional state of well-being. This mental and emotional state may often be affected by the physical pain experienced by chronic pain warriors, which is why the U.S. Pain Foundation is challenging chronic pain warriors, caregivers, family, and friends to participate in June’s “What Makes You Happy?” social media photo challenge.
Each day, you will be challenged to find a particular piece of happiness in your life and post a related photo about it. Living with chronic pain is difficult and weighs on you both mentally and physically; however, the Happiness Challenge allows everyone to take a deeper look at their lives and see all of the wonderful, fulfilling gifts everyone has in their lives. One can always find happiness! Participants will also be eligible for special giveaways.
The challenge is being hosted by U.S Pain ambassadors Heather Gilmore, PhD, and Garin Harris. Dr. Gilmore holds a doctorate in education and wrote her dissertation on online support for patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy; Harris, who is currently Miss Teen International, champions chronic pain in honor of her mother, who lives with pain.
Please visit Facebook or Twitter to get your daily challenge and be sure to use the following hashtags when you post:
Special thanks to Dr. Gilmore for helping prepare this article!