
It’s National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), and we have a number of exciting developments to kick it off, as well as numerous ways to participate. Be sure to follow U.S. Pain on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news, events, and ways to get involved.

First-ever migraine prevention drug approved

On May 17, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first-ever migraine preventive drug. Often referred to as a CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) or CGRP inhibitor, the drug blocks the CGRP receptor that is believed to play a role in migraine.

“The FDA approval of this groundbreaking class of medications feels like a victory in the migraine community, a population that is underserved, misunderstood, and stigmatized,” says Katie Golden, U.S. Pain migraine advocacy liaison. “While this new treatment is not a cure nor will it work for everyone, it brings renewed hope to patients that science is closer to understanding our genetic, neurological disease.”

There are three additional companies that are in clinical trials of different variations of this new class of drugs – one is specifically working on an indication for cluster headache disease.

To find out about availability, payment assistance programs, and how you can help with anticipated access issues, check out a blog article written by Golden at Golden Graine.

New resource for migraine and headache patients

U.S. Pain is pleased to announce an upcoming collaboration with Medicine X, an innovative company that explains complicated medical conditions through the power of storytelling. Medicine X has created “Migraine Xplained,” an interactive story to help educate people who are affected by this condition, as well as their caregivers and clinicians. All Medicine X stories are based on real people. In addition to explaining exactly what a migraine is, the story also covers symptoms, possible causes and effects, and treatment options.

To watch the video, click here.

Coalition for Migraine & Headache Patients events and campaigns

In partnership with the Coalition For Migraine & Headache Patients (CHAMP), U.S. Pain will be participating in online and in-person events throughout the month of June to raise awareness about migraine, headache, and cluster diseases. CHAMP will share daily “Headlines” that show all campaigns, content, and events from patient organizations.

There will be a number of ways you can participate to raise awareness, even from home! Visit CHAMP’s MHAM page to find out about all of the different campaigns.

Proclamations and Light up the Landmarks

Finally, U.S. Pain volunteers are still working on gathering MHAM proclamations from their elected officials and turning landmarks purple through Light Up the Landmarks. It’s not too late for you to participate, but you should act quickly! Email mham@uspainfoundation.org for more information.