Lemiska meeting with a sponsor of the Reliable Coverage Act in Tennessee.
Non-medical switching, or when insurers force patients off medications for financial reasons, continues to be a hot button topic in numerous states. U.S. Pain is leading coalitions in three states that introduced bills to prohibit non-medical switching last month: Tennessee, Illinois, and Connecticut. U.S. Pain is a member of coalitions in multiple other states, including New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Washington.
State advocacy staff are keeping busy educating the public about the negative effects of non-medical switching. Shaina Smith, director of state advocacy and alliance development, was one of three featured speakers at a roundtable discussion about non-medical switching in Albany, N.Y, on Feb. 21. In addition, Emily Lemiska, assistant director of state advocacy, was quoted in a Feb. 2 article about non-medical switching, “New Rules Aim to Keep Patients on Medications That Work” published by Pew Trusts and later in the Huffington Post.
You can help the U.S. Pain team in its fight against non-medical switching by taking this survey. The survey is open to both patients (with any health condition, including chronic pain) and clinicians.
Details about non-medical switching bills U.S. Pain is currently supporting can be found below:
State | Name | Bill number | Bill status |
Colorado | A bill for an act concerning the prohibition against a carrier requiring a covered person to undergo step therapy, and, in connection therewith, requiring coverage for a prescribed medication that is part of the carrier’s medication formulary. | SB17-203 |
Senate committee held a hearing, but the bill did not pass.
Connecticut | An act limiting changes to health insurers’ prescription drug formularies
Public Hearing 03/02 in Joint Committee on Insurance and Real Estate |
Florida | An act relating to consumer protection from nonmedical changes to prescription drug formularies
SB 182/HB95
Senate: Now in Appropriations House: 2/22/2017 CS by Health Innovation Subcommittee |
Illinois | Amendment to the Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act
HB 2694
Assigned to Human Services Committee
Maryland | An act concerning: Health Insurance – Prescription Drugs – Formulary Changes
HB 1128 / SB 768
Senate: The Senate version is scheduled to be heard before the Finance Committee on 3/8/17.
New Jersey | An act concerning prescription drug coverage for certain medical conditions and supplementing various parts of the statutory law
S. 2969/A. 4205
Senate: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Commerce Committee
Assembly: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee
New Mexico | An act … to establish limitations on health cover and provider contract changes. | HB 112
Reported by Health and Human Services Committee with Do Not Pass, but without recommendation on Committee Substitution
New York | An act to amend the insurance law, in relation to prescription drug formulary changes during a contract year | A. 2317
Referred to Insurance Committee
Oregon | A bill for an act relating to insurance coverage of prescription drugs; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 743B.013, 743B.105 and 743B.125. | SB 232
Hearing in the Senate Committee on Health Care
Tennessee | An act to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 56, relative to limiting changes to commercial health insurers’ prescription drug formularies during the health plan year.
HB 960/SB 991 | House: Assigned to s/c Insurance and Banking Subcommittee
Senate: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee |
Washington | An act relating to prescription drug insurance continuity of care; and adding a new section to chapter 48.43 RCW.
SB 5160/HB 1211
Senate: Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health Care
House: Referred to Health Care & Wellness |
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