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NY: Two exciting bills would help chronic pain community
Over the years, we've heard many stories from pain warriors who wished their health care providers knew more about chronic pain and ways to manage it. This year, New York lawmakers are taking significant steps to benefit the chronic pain community...
KY: Bill that would make health plans cover chronic pain treatments yet to be heard
Feb 4, 2020| News
There's a proposed piece of legislation in Kentucky that would require health plans to cover certain therapies used to treat chronic pain. As currently written, House Bill 198 would allow pain warriors to have access to receive 20 visits for pain...
Announcing 2019’s Ambassador of the Year: Ernie Merritt
U.S. Pain Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2019 Joselynn Badman Ambassador of the Year is Ernie Merritt. Merritt has been an ambassador and advocate for U.S. Pain since 2014, and has been living chronic pain since he was 33 years old. In...
A Q&A with the newest member of the Board of Directors: Marv Turner
Feb 3, 2020| News
U.S. Pain Foundation is pleased to announce the newest member of its Board of Directors: Marv Turner. Turner is the owner of Yellow Dog Productions, a video production company. He has collaborated with U.S. Pain on several projects over the years,...
Pediatric Pain Warrior Program reveals new video; Points for Pain game scheduled for Feb. 20
Feb 2, 2020| News
The Pediatric Pain Warrior Program is dedicated to helping kids with pain and their families feel less alone and empowered to take charge of their care. One of the ways it does this is through weekend retreats, the most recent of which was held...
Iowa: Bill that keeps you on your medications headed to hearing
Iowa State Rep. Tom Moore has proposed legislation that would keep individuals with chronic conditions medically stable on their therapies, without disruption from their insurer. HF 2089 will be heard before the House Human Resources Subcommittee...