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Join Us As We Tell Congress #WhyPainCounts!

Today, July 23, we are urging policymakers to support the Advancing Research for Chronic Pain Act, S.2922/H.R.7164, which is one of only a few bills ever introduced in Congress specifically for people with pain.  At the U.S. Pain Foundation, we believe that...

52 families connect, explore, grow at 3rd Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp

This summer, children and teens living with chronic pain reached the top of a rock wall, traversed a ropes course, rode a zip line and a giant swing, went horseback riding and swimming, and shot hoops. They did so using wheelchairs, braces and splints, forearm...

My Story: Why I Am So Passionate About Alternative Pain Treatments

From Young, Healthy, and Active to Disabled In 1977, I was 25 years old and attending graduate school, working towards a master’s degree in social work. I was healthy and active, and I enjoyed bicycling long distances and hiking. I started running to get into better...

Adjusting to Life with Chronic Pain

My heart breaks when I meet a young person sharing that they are confronting life with chronic pain. At the age of 74, and living with two progressive and incurable conditions, I find it emotionally upsetting to think of the future they must learn to adjust to. I can...





Encourage CMS to cover acupuncture

Encourage CMS to cover acupuncture

Right now, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is soliciting public comment as to whether or not acupuncture for chronic low back pain should be covered by Medicare. You only have until August 14 to provide CMS with your position on...

Don’t be silent: Speak up about pain this September

Don’t be silent: Speak up about pain this September

Too often, due to broad misconceptions and a lack of understanding about pain, pain warriors are afraid or ashamed to speak up about their stories. But the only way we can create change is if we start talking--to loved ones, coworkers, neighbors,...

Tiny needles, big relief

Tiny needles, big relief

Have you wanted to try acupuncture for your pain, but weren't sure if it was worth it or didn't know how to find the right practitioner? Maybe you're interested in trying it, but needles make you nervous, and you want to know a little more about...
