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Recent Points for Pain games raise $5,000 for kids with pain
Mar 29, 2019| News
On Jan. 24 and Feb. 11, Tyler Cashman, Director of Pediatric Fundraising, hosted two Points for Pain games, raising more than $5,000 for U.S. Pain’s Pediatric Pain Warriors program. The program provides support for children with chronic pain and...
CPATF submits letter on draft report to HHS Secretary Azar; docket letter planned
Last week, the Consumer Pain Advocacy Task Force (CPATF)--a coalition of pain patient-related nonprofits, including U.S. Pain Foundation--submitted a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar regarding the draft...
Take our survey and be entered to win an Amazon gift card!
Mar 7, 2019| News
U.S. Pain Foundation has partnered on a survey with Tamadé, a Virtual Reality (VR) company that has developed a program for chronic pain, to learn more about how pain impacts your life and how VR might help. The survey takes approximately 20...
Are you struggling to work because of pain?
Mar 3, 2019| News
Did you know that pain is the leading cause of long-term disability in America? During a webinar on March 19, we'll be talking about the challenges of working with chronic pain and considerations for applying for Social Security Disability...
One month left to comment on federal recommendations on pain
In late December, a high-ranking federal task force released a draft report with recommendations for improving the management of chronic and acute pain nationwide. The landmark report will be finalized and submitted to Congress at the end of May....
Headache on the Hill brings 160 advocates to Congress
From Feb. 10 through 13, representatives from U.S. Pain Foundation proudly participated in Headache on the Hill (HOH) in Washington, DC, for the second year in a row. Organized by the Alliance for Headache Advocacy, HOH is an event that bring...