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Revitalizing Our U.S. Pain Volunteer Network: New Ways to Get Involved

Experience Connection and Support at the 4th Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp!

Imagine A Life With Pain — Where No One Believes You
KNOWvember campaign to focus on kids with pain
Oct 2, 2018| News
Each year, U.S. Pain engages in a month-long educational campaign aimed at providing helpful information and resources to people living with pain and their caregivers. To honor the young pain warriors who have had to find their new “normal” at an...
Thank you for making 2018 Pain Awareness Month a success!
Oct 1, 2018| News
#PainWarriorsUnite was one of U.S. Pain’s most successful Pain Awareness Month campaigns to date! Ambassadors, advocates, and volunteers worked hard all month to create awareness on behalf of pain warriors across the country. Initiatives included...
U.S. Pain Director to Serve on Pain Management Design Group
U.S. Pain Foundation’s Director of State Advocacy and Alliance Development Shaina Smith has been appointed to serve on a pain management design group put together by Connecticut’s Office of Health Strategy (OHS). The Primary Care Modernization...
Congress agrees on opioid legislation that will likely pass this week
The Senate and House have agreed to a compromise opioid bill HR 6, the SUPPORT Act, which has passed the House and is expected to pass the Senate this week and be signed into law by the President. This is the second big piece of legislation...
Learn About Your Pain website update underway
Oct 1, 2018| News
U.S. Pain’s educational resource website, Learn About Your Pain, has begun an update to provide more comprehensive information and support. As part of that update, the website will include additional patient resources, including videos from experts...
HHS Pain Management Best Practices Task Force holds second meeting
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Pain Management Best Practices Task Force convened its second public meeting on Sept. 25 and 26 in Washington, DC. “The main purpose of the meeting was for the three task force subcommittees to...