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Ouchie to unveil new app for iPhone and Android
Feb 28, 2018| News
Ouchie, an official partner of the U.S. Pain Foundation, is releasing a new version of its free app for iOS and Android users next week. The app offers people with chronic conditions a way to track their treatments, set goals, interact with a...
What to expect in state legislation in 2018, and how to get involved
For the 2018 legislative sesion, Director of State Advocacy and Alliance Development Shaina Smith says that U.S. Pain will be offering more ways to engage than ever before. The State Advocacy team also has revamped its online tools for taking...
Take action now to fight for medical cannabis access
Despite recent roadblocks, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ efforts to restrict recreational marijuana use and the Veteran Administration's refusal to study cannabis’s therapeutic benefit, legislation at the state and federal level is...
Help support a landmark pain research funding bill
Pain advocates are encouraged to ask Congress to support Opioids and STOP Pain Initiative Act, which was introduced in December, through an easy online engagement campaign. HR4733/S2260 proposes to expand, intensify, and coordinate research at the...
Apply now to attend the Phoenix support group leader training in March
Feb 1, 2018| News
Special scholarships are available to eligible U.S. Pain volunteers to attend a two-day training program for support group leaders on March 2-4 in Phoenix, AZ. Two additional trainings will be held in Chicago and New York later this year. Run by...
Pain Warrior of the Month: Breanne Ramos
City & state: Modesto, CA Age: 38 years old Pain warrior role: U.S. Pain Ambassador since 2016 What type of health conditions you live with: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome, chronic back pain, migraines, depression,...