
City & State: Leesburg, Virginia

Age: 59 years old

Pain warrior role: U.S. Pain ambassador since 2017

What type of health conditions you live with: I am living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE Lupus, Type 2 diabetes, migraines, and chronic back pain.

What is your favorite tip for others with chronic pain: “My tip would be to keep a spirit of peace. I believe our attitude has a lot to do with our healing process. For me, I try to extract something good. Pain never feels good but doesn’t have to overpower you.”

What’s a fun fact about you: “I enjoy outdoor parks, nature, and those quiet moments of serenity.”

Sylvia has been an active member of U.S. Pain community, continuously distributing materials and providing resources and support throughout her community. She was a participant in the Rheumatoid Arthritis edition of the INvisible Project. Of her role as an ambassador, Sylvia says, “my role is to change lives and help people to see how pain impacts their lives. Using my voice to speak out by sharing my story. Being a participant in my community and around the globe to change lives.”