Maysack celebrating Shades for Migraine
City & State: Madison, WI
Age: 28 years old
Pain warrior role: Advocate and ambassador since 2017
What type of health conditions do you live with: Daily cluster headaches, post-infection chronic mega-migraine disorder, and fibromyalgia
What is your favorite tip for others with chronic pain: “It has become my mission to spread the good word that we are not alone, regardless of how isolated we may feel at times. We’re so much more than any diagnosis or condition, and it’s imperative to navigate ways in which we co-exist with our suffering, all while refusing to surrender to it. I believe compassionate relationship with oneself is not only crucial, but that we’re also worthy and deserving of that as well as the same affection, love and respect that we would give away to anyone else.”
What’s a fun fact about you? “I unapologetically consider my self-care to be chronic, as I’ve come to learn we’re unable to pour from an empty cup. Despite attempts to pursue a traditional approach to further education and career advancement, those efforts were not panning out, which was both disheartening and frustrating. Due to not being able to find balance among my own expectations and my physical need for a slower pace, I decided that if the road I am meant to travel isn’t already paved, it was time to get to work! This led to turning my pre-existing passion for holistic health into a new career path as I’m now a proud wellness coach and creator of a nonprofit support group network.”
Mia Maysack is a very active ambassador and advocate for U.S. Pain and has worked on numerous different types of projects. Most recently, Maysack attended a Pain Connection support group leader training and since has begun to host he own monthly support group meetings in her area. Maysack also played a big part in Migraine and Headache awareness month, hosting a screening of the film ‘Out of My Head’ and reaching out to her local and state representatives. She will also be participating in a wellness fair during September’s Pain Awareness Month. Reaching out to others and making a difference is a common trend that can be seen throughout Maysack’s volunteer work and we are so proud to honor her this month!