Meet U.S. Pain Foundation’s Pain Warrior of the Month for September—Millie Quiñones-Dunlap!
In recent months, Millie has launched Pain Connection’s support group The Writing Room, a once-a-month virtual gathering that teaches people how to use expressive writing to help manage pain, and participated in our #PainCounts video for Pain Awareness Month.
We are so appreciative of everything Millie has done to help people with chronic pain and are thrilled to recognize her as our Pain Warrior of the Month!
State: New York
Pain Warrior Role:
Millie Quiñones-Dunlap has been a New York State Certified Teacher/Librarian for twenty years. She previously coached her local high school Slam Poetry team, and is a spoken word artist and writer. Millie has lived with chronic pain and disability for sixteen years.
With the recent launch of The Writing Room, Millie is excited to share the ways that expressive writing has helped her to confront the trauma connected to her injury while improving stress levels, anxiety/depression, and muscle tension.
Expressive writing also inspires Millie to find her voice; she believes in the power of writing and she is currently working on her memoir titled, “Through the Eyes of a Bronx Girl.”
What would you like to share with others who have chronic pain?
“I practice mindfulness in my daily life as a means for pain management. Gentle breathe and exhale, loving-kindness, self-compassion, grounding. I try to stay aware of what is happening in the moment and stay in tune to how I feel about what’s happening without judgment.” I also use a mindfulness app I thoroughly enjoy.”