PWOMLocation: Melbourne, FL
Pain warrior role: Dedicated caregivers for their daughter, U.S. Pain ambassador Melanie, who lives with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, and volunteers on behalf of the pain community since 2010.
Fun fact: The Dickens family loves Disney.

Favorite tip: “For other parents:  1. Always trust your child and trust your gut. 2. Keep it light… lots of humor! Laughter is medicine!”

Many members of the U.S. Pain community know the incredible Melanie Dickens, the young woman behind the Crazy Sock Walk & Day fundraisers. But they may not know her equally amazing parents, Laurie and Shawn, who take an active role in advocating on behalf of Melanie and all people living with pain. Laurie and Shawn help Melanie coordinate the Crazy Sock events each year and are always ready to step up to help when U.S. Pain puts out a call-to-action.

If you’d like to nominate a Pain Warrior of the Month, contact newsletter@uspainfoundation.org. Pain warriors can be anyone who supports the pain community, whether patients, caregivers, clinicians, donors or policymakers.

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