On Jan. 24 and Feb. 11, Tyler Cashman, Director of Pediatric Fundraising, hosted two Points for Pain games, raising more than $5,000 for U.S. Pain’s Pediatric Pain Warriors program. The program provides support for children with chronic pain and their families through weekend retreats, education days, a magazine highlighting pediatric patient stories, a pen pal program, and more.
(The next retreat is May 24-26, click here to learn more!)
“Four years ago this started as a wish and a dream of mine,” said Tyler at the event. “After meeting so many children who fight every day for the normalcy that we are all given, I knew I had to make a difference for them.”
Since starting Points for Pain, Tyler has raised more than $100,000. Tyler established the program in honor of his mom, Casey, who lives with chronic pain and serves as Director of the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program.
At the games, fans pledge donations in honor of the number of points their team scores. They also bid on raffle items, ranging from gold excursions to restaurant gift cards. While the focus of Points for Pain is fundraising, it’s also a great chance to raise awareness about pediatric pain. At the beginning of each game, Tyler explains the challenges these children faces and why support is so important.
For more information about Points for Pain, click here or email pointsforpain@uspainfoundation.org.