
The Pediatric Pain Warrior Program has announced its fourth semiannual retreat will be held virtually. Registration is free and open now!

“We know this looks different than our past events, but due to the current health situation around the United States and the world, we felt it was the only safe way to put on a retreat,” says Casey Cashman, Director of the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program. “We are working diligently to make this as interactive and fun as we possibly can and hope you will join in!

Over the next several months, the program will provide a series of activities specially tailored to kids with pain and their loved ones, ranging from educational workshops, to guided art projects, to storytime with character princesses, to group chats for teens, moms, and dads, to a traveling mascot awareness campaign… and more!

“The hope is you will engage in some of the events happening–or in all of them,” says Cashman. “As an added bonus: you’ll be able to submit your participation and earn credit toward fun rewards. The more activities and events you join, the more rewards you receive!”

How the retreat works

  1. Register below to make sure you stay up to date with everything that is happening with the Virtual Retreat. There is no deadline to register, but the sooner you do, the sooner you can start earning credit!
  2. Once you register, you’ll be added to a mailing list to receive updates about upcoming events, and you’ll receive a password for our Virtual Retreat Portal. The Virtual Portal will have a calendar of what’s happening next.
  3. Twice a month, we are going to ask you to fill in a form that tells us everything you have been doing so we can keep track and get you the rewards! The form is located on the Retreat Portal. We will be using the honor system. While we can track most things, there will be some that we cannot, and we ask that you, our amazing pediatric pain warrior families, help us in this system! Each activity counts as one point, and points earn you rewards like car magnets, backpacks, T-shirts, and more.

A new approach, but the same focus on education, support–and fun

“This is a new type of conference for us all, and we will be developing it together,” says Cashman. “We hope to return to our regular conference schedule in 2021! We are aware that nothing can replace the valuable relationships and experiences that are created at our retreats. Still, we hope in some small way, that these virtual activities will allow current relationships to continue to grow and to foster new ones.”

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new format, please email casey@uspainfoundation.org.

U.S. Pain Foundation would also like to thank its sponsors for funding this free initiative for pediatric pain warrior families: