
U.S. Pain is excited to announce a new program, Pediatric Pain Warriors, dedicated to serving kids with pain and their families. The program will consist of additional pediatric editions of the INvisible Project, pediatric-focused educational events like Take Control of Your Pain Days, support groups, weekend retreats, scholarships to attend a summer camp designed for kids with chronic conditions, and online resources.

The first major event will be a weekend retreat for kids and families Nov. 9 through 11 at the Coronado Springs Resort in Disney World. The weekend will include a Take Control of Your Pain daylong seminar about pain, support group sessions, and fun activities. To register, visit the EventBrite page.

U.S. Pain is able to offer a limited number of scholarships to attend this weekend, which will cover two hotel nights, some meals, and a portion of transportation costs. If you are interested in a scholarship, please reach out to us at pediatricpainwarrior@uspainfoundation.org.

To learn more about the Pediatric Pain Warriors program, visit its website.