Millions of people with chronic pain have been tapered off of opioid medications and not offered other treatment options leading to tremendous pain and suffering, feelings of abandonment, anxiety and depression and even suicide. This is untenable and must change.
The best way to manage chronic pain, at present, is through an individualized, multidisciplinary approach combining a unique set of treatment modalities to reduce one’s pain to manageable levels. In order to accomplish this, people with chronic pain need affordable access to a full range of treatment modalities.
The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) make decisions about what treatment options they will cover for beneficiaries. Private insurers often follow the lead of CMS in coverage decisions. Congress has the power to direct CMS to take action.
Today, we must demand that #PainCareNeedsMoreOptions.
For U.S. Pain Foundation’s Virtual Advocacy Day 2022 and in the following weeks, we’re asking that you reach out to your federal representatives and request that the CMS covers more treatment options for pain.
To make your voice heard, we’ve created easy tools to help you participate, all from the comfort of home. To take immediate action, click the button below and let Congress know that #PainCareNeedsMoreOptions. You also can visit our Site Center for other ways to advocate and be involved.