
U.S. Pain Foundation is teaming up with Coalition For Headache And Migraine Patients (CHAMP) for National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month (MHAM) this June. If interested in taking part, please respond quickly to ensure your efforts are completed in June.

Here are three ways you can get involved:

MHAM Proclamations: Submit a request for a ceremonial proclamation from your state or local representatives. We’ll provide the template, instructions and support. Interested? Send an email to mham@uspainfoundation.org for more details and please include the state in which you live. Thanks to Ambassador Jeannette Rotondi for her work on this project.

Light Up the Landmarks: On June 2, we want to Light Up the Landmarks all across the country in purple (the color of migraine awareness)! We have a list of landmarks (such as bridges, state capitol buildings, even airports) that have participated in the past during Pain Awareness Month. If June 2 is unavailable – any day, week or even the entire month of June is welcome. Send an email to mham@uspainfoundation.org for more details. Thanks to Ambassador Michelle Tracy for her work on this project.

Host a screening of the film Out Of My Head. This important documentary highlights the debilitating effects of living with migraine disease, an often misunderstood and stigmatized condition that affects 40 million Americans. You can host a one-night screening of the film in a local participating theatre, at no cost to you. U.S. Pain is also working with the filmmakers to bring them to screenings for Q&A or panel discussions after the documentary. To find out more, go to https://outofmyheadfilm.com/host/usa/If interested, please contact Migraine Advocacy Liaison Katie Golden at katiegolden@uspainfoundation.org.