Throughout June as National Headache and Migraine Awareness Month (MHAM), the U.S. Pain Foundation and fellow patient...
Advocacy Articles
Continuing to represent the patient voice–virtually
While most in-person conferences and meetings have been canceled or postponed as a result of the pandemic, U.S. Pain...
#MHAM2020: Two upcoming events, state advocacy campaign
June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (#MHAM)! A large percentage of our community lives with migraine and...
Congress introduces step therapy act, state efforts continue
Patient and provider groups are celebrating the introduction of the “Safe Step Act,” a federal bill aimed at lessening...
Pain community unites to respond to federal draft report
The 90-day public comment period for the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force’s (PMTF) draft report...
Voices from the Hill
By Jorie Logan-Morris and Jeannette Rotondi Every year in February, advocates for migraine and headache disease come...
CPATF submits letter on draft report to HHS Secretary Azar; docket letter planned
Last week, the Consumer Pain Advocacy Task Force (CPATF)--a coalition of pain patient-related nonprofits, including...
One month left to comment on federal recommendations on pain
In late December, a high-ranking federal task force released a draft report with recommendations for improving the...
Headache on the Hill brings 160 advocates to Congress
From Feb. 10 through 13, representatives from U.S. Pain Foundation proudly participated in Headache on the Hill (HOH)...
Hearing on pain makes headlines: Let’s keep up the momentum
On Feb. 12, for the first time in years, Congress held a hearing on chronic pain. We were proud to have Cindy...
Learn about the draft report on pain management
Even though the draft report from the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force is vitally important,...
Help us keep the conversation about pain going at a national level
Pain patients need and deserve a seat at the table (even if it means bringing in a cot!). On Feb. 12, they finally got...