This is the first installment of a three-part series leading up to the exciting re-launch of the U.S. Pain Foundation...
News Articles
Get to #knowDPN this KNOWvember
The complications associated with diabetes are numerous—and overwhelming. But in the flurry of managing diabetes and...
Living with Diabetic Nerve Pain or DPN? We Want to Hear From You!
In preparation for its KNOWvember campaign—a monthlong educational and awareness campaign held in November that in...
Happiness can be Medicine for the Soul
Happiness is such a joy and medicine to the soul as I navigate life with chronic pain. For me, it can range from...
Join Us As We Tell Congress #WhyPainCounts!
Today, July 23, we are urging policymakers to support the Advancing Research for Chronic Pain Act, S.2922/H.R.7164,...
52 families connect, explore, grow at 3rd Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp
This summer, children and teens living with chronic pain reached the top of a rock wall, traversed a ropes course,...
My Story: Why I Am So Passionate About Alternative Pain Treatments
From Young, Healthy, and Active to Disabled In 1977, I was 25 years old and attending graduate school, working towards...
Adjusting to Life with Chronic Pain
My heart breaks when I meet a young person sharing that they are confronting life with chronic pain. At the age of 74,...
Should I Consider Having A Service Dog?
Have you ever wondered about the advantages of having a service dog? If you are living with a difficult medical...
Let’s Go To Camp! Applications are open.
The U.S. Pain Foundation is thrilled to announce that applications are open for the 3rd Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior...
Advancing Research for Chronic Pain Act Introduced in House
WEST HARTFORD, CONN., JANUARY 31, 2024 -A bipartisan bill introduced today in the House seeks to eliminate gaps in...
Uninformed Comment in the ER Highlights Need for Self-Advocacy
What would you do if your refuge, a place where you went to be cared for, suddenly became a place where you were...