Each November, U.S. Pain Foundation explores a different pain-related topic. This year, we’re focusing on acute-to-chronic pain.
Our 2022 KNOWvember initiative, #KnowPain, highlights acute pain, chronic pain, and the intersection that leads to acute-to-chronic pain. Throughout November, we’ll share facts about acute and chronic pain on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as host weekly “Lives.” Additionally, we’ll share an educational handout and articles focusing on acute pain, Long-COVID symptoms, and more. We will also host a webinar at the end of the month that dives into the differences between acute and chronic pain, and what public health agencies are investigating around acute-to-chronic pain.
On this page, you’ll find all the articles we publish, source information for each #KnowPain fact, information you need to stay involved, and more. It is time to get to #KnowPain.
Download our free handout
Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, and its Intersection: What is acute pain and why does it sometimes become chronic?
In our KNOWvember webinar, Dr. Dave Nagel, a physiatrist who has specialized in pain management for 30 years, discusses the transition of pain from an acute stage to a chronic issue, and pain management modalities. #KNOWpain
how to stay INVOLVED
There are MANY easy ways you can help share the information you learned this KNOWvember with others, such as:
- Download our educational handout.
- Like, comment, and share/retweet our posts on social media.
- Use the hashtags, #KnowPain and #KNOWvember, in all your social media posts in November.
- Read and share articles.
- Register and attend our webinar event.
- Join our social media “Lives” this month to #KnowPain more!
Social Media Fact Sources
- Fact: Acute pain “happens suddenly, starts out sharp or intense, and serves as a warning sign of disease or threat to the body.” Causes include injury, surgery, illness, trauma, burn, or the process around surgeries/procedures, and the pain generally lasts a few minutes to less than six months. Source
Fact: Chronic pain, or pain lasting three months or longer, can be the result of an underlying medical disease or condition, injury, medical treatment, inflammation, or an unknown cause. Source
Fact: At least 50 million Americans endure chronic pain every day. Of those, 20 million live with high-impact pain or pain that significantly impacts their daily life. Source
Fact: Globally, a staggering 310 million major surgeries are performed each year; around 40 to 50 million in the United States. It is estimated that up to 15% will have serious postoperative morbidity, or long-term complications. Source
- Fact: In 2017, there were an estimated 35 million pediatric Emergency Department visits. Of that number, 55.6% reported PAIN as the reason for the visit. Source
- Fact: In a 2019 study, 58.9% of adults experienced pain of any kind in the past three months. Source
- Fact: In 2010 dollars, pain costs the nation up to $635 billion each year in medical treatments, disability payments, and lost productivity. Source
- Fact: There are an estimated 35 million annual injury-related visits to the Emergency Department. Source
- Fact: Looking into acute-to-chronic pain research is an area of interest for public health agencies, such as the NIH’s Common Fund program. The Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS) project is one bold research initiative looking to find biomarkers that can predict if acute pain will turn chronic. Source 1 | Source 2
- Fact: Between 2015 and 2019, 79% of people with arthritis or other chronic pain who used the Mental Health America screening program screened positive or moderate to severe for a mental health condition. Source
Want to view the 2021 KNOWVember campaign, #NeuroPain? Click here.
Our 2022 KNOWvember campaign is made possible through contributions from Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Johnson & Johnson.
U.S. Pain Foundation developed the content without review from sponsors. This information is educational only and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a health care professional.