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Your Blueprint For Activity Modification and Pacing

Living with chronic pain can take away your sense of self. Things you once enjoyed doing may seem impossible now with the ebb and flow of your pain condition. While playing with your kids at the park or going for long bicycle rides again may feel like only a daydream,...

How Will Having Better Data Actually Help Patients?

Look at how data drives research, new treatments, and better health outcomes—making a tangible impact on individuals’ day-to-day lives.

Changing the Pain Equation: Solving Pain Together

How does changing the pain equation solve pain? This article explores the need to understand pain fully and involve all stakeholders to improve outcomes for millions of Americans.

#SolvePainTogether Pain Awareness Month Initiative Explores Full Experience of Chronic Pain

Read U.S. Pain Foundation’s press release discussing its Pain Awareness Month campaign, #SolvePainTogether. The initiative highlights collaboration in addressing chronic pain through research, patient voices, and practical support.





NY approves medicinal marijuana for chronic pain

On Dec. 2, the State of New York announced it would include chronic pain as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. The U.S. Pain Foundation actively supports legalizing medicinal marijuana for chronic pain in all states. “Living with...

Medicare Part B demo defeated

U.S. Pain celebrated a cautious victory this month after the defeat of a controversial Medicare Part B proposal that would have incentivized the use of lower-cost drugs. U.S. Pain created and led a campaign, “Patients for Medicare Access,” to fight...

21st Century Cures Act becomes law

A federal bill two years in the making, the 21st Century Cures Act, was signed into law Dec. 13 by President Obama. U.S. Pain Foundation stood with more than 15 other organizations—including the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Global...
