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Join Us As We Tell Congress #WhyPainCounts!

Today, July 23, we are urging policymakers to support the Advancing Research for Chronic Pain Act, S.2922/H.R.7164, which is one of only a few bills ever introduced in Congress specifically for people with pain.  At the U.S. Pain Foundation, we believe that...

52 families connect, explore, grow at 3rd Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp

This summer, children and teens living with chronic pain reached the top of a rock wall, traversed a ropes course, rode a zip line and a giant swing, went horseback riding and swimming, and shot hoops. They did so using wheelchairs, braces and splints, forearm...

My Story: Why I Am So Passionate About Alternative Pain Treatments

From Young, Healthy, and Active to Disabled In 1977, I was 25 years old and attending graduate school, working towards a master’s degree in social work. I was healthy and active, and I enjoyed bicycling long distances and hiking. I started running to get into better...

Adjusting to Life with Chronic Pain

My heart breaks when I meet a young person sharing that they are confronting life with chronic pain. At the age of 74, and living with two progressive and incurable conditions, I find it emotionally upsetting to think of the future they must learn to adjust to. I can...





Learn about OTC options with a pharmacist on Oct. 15

Learn about OTC options with a pharmacist on Oct. 15

Many patients use over-the-counter (OTC) treatment options, but it can be difficult to know which types may be right for your pain and how to use them so that they are both effective and safe. On Oct. 15 at 1 pm ET, join Jeffrey Fudin, PharmD, for...

My Marathon raises awareness, funding

My Marathon raises awareness, funding

Although living with chronic pain can feel like a marathon, we all find ways to conquer our obstacles. With that in mind, in honor of Pain Awareness Month, the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program launched My Marathon, a new fundraising initiative in...

Have you started your pain plan yet?

Have you started your pain plan yet?

Created by the U.S. Pain Foundation, MyPainPlan.org is an interactive site that allows users to learn about pain management options and create a personalized list of which treatments they’d like to try. The list can then be saved and/or printed for...
