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RI: Take action to increase affordability of medical cannabis
Mar 11, 2020| News
Rhode Island is considering legislation, H 7621/S 2544, that would help increase affordable access to medical cannabis. Why this matters Rhode Island was one of the first states to legalize medical cannabis for patients with health issues....
CO: Let’s improve access to PT, OT, acupuncture, and certain pain medications
Mar 11, 2020| News
Colorado is considering a bill, HB 20-1085, that would help increase affordable access to some types of pain care. How it helps people with pain For starters, the bill would require health plans to provide coverage for at least six physical therapy...
Kentucky: Two bills to take action on!
There are two important pieces of legislation related to chronic pain that we need you to take action on. House Bill 198 HB198 would allow Kentucky pain warriors more affordable access to 20 visits for pain treatments, including many therapies not...
2020 state pain policy trends round-up
State legislative sessions across the country are now in full swing! Here are some major trends we’re seeing related to state pain policy, along with opportunities to take action. You can find all of our opportunities to act here. More will be...
Learning to lead a meaningful support group
Mar 3, 2020| News
A total of 25 individuals gathered Feb. 29 and March 1 in San Diego, CA, for Pain Connection’s seventh chronic pain support group leaders training. The majority of the attendees were people with chronic pain, but several caregivers and...
Migraine diseases makes national headlines
Mar 3, 2020| News
Headache and migraine diseases captured attention nationally throughout February thanks to features on ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS’s Sunday Morning Show, and PBS’s NewsHour. Members of the INvisible Project were highlighted on all three...