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Imagine A Life With Pain — Where No One Believes You
Congress introduces step therapy act, state efforts continue
Patient and provider groups are celebrating the introduction of the “Safe Step Act,” a federal bill aimed at lessening treatment delays and barriers to the access of prescription therapies. Filed by Representatives Raul Ruiz (D-CA) and Brad...
Pain community unites to respond to federal draft report
The 90-day public comment period for the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force’s (PMTF) draft report came to a close April 1, with more than 6,000 individuals and organizations submitting feedback. Among those to comment was the...
U.S. Pain unveils new magazine, hosts storytelling workshop at RetreatMigraine
May 1, 2019| News
From April 12 to 14, more than 200 people from around the world gathered in San Antonio, TX, for the first-ever RetreatMigraine conference. Produced by CHAMP (the Coalition for Headache And Migraine Patients) the three-day educational event aimed...
Pain Warrior of the Month: Ernest Merritt III
City & state: Saco, ME Age: 55 Pain warrior role: U.S. Pain advocate since 2014 What type of health conditions you live with: Chronic back pain, narcolepsy, migraines Favorite tip for others with chronic pain: Each person living with a chronic...
Pediatric pain warrior retreat registration now open
Mar 30, 2019| News
Our second Pediatric Pain Warrior retreat is quickly approaching, and registration is open. The retreat will be held at the ultra-accessible fun park, Morgan’s Wonderland. Morgan’s Wonderland is located in San Antonio, TX, and is specially designed...
San Francisco training provides crucial skills for future support group leaders
Mar 30, 2019| News
In mid-March, prospective leaders of chronic pain support groups all over America gathered in San Francisco for a weekend of specialized training. Skilled trainers from U.S. Pain Foundation were there to teach the strategies that will allow...