Happiness is such a joy and medicine to the soul as I navigate life with chronic pain. For me, it can range from...

Happiness is such a joy and medicine to the soul as I navigate life with chronic pain. For me, it can range from...
Today, July 23, we are urging policymakers to support the Advancing Research for Chronic Pain Act, S.2922/H.R.7164,...
This summer, children and teens living with chronic pain reached the top of a rock wall, traversed a ropes course,...
We all face adversity at some point(s) in our lives. For many of us, the first thing we do is feel awful. That’s...
I am almost 73 years old and live with multiple medical complexities. When you discover measures are available to...
In 2006, two years after being diagnosed with a condition I had actually been born with called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,...
We owe great gratitude to our veterans who have selflessly served our country. Unfortunately, many brave men and women...
Are you part of the older population like me? Do you find it harder to move forward when life throws another...
Chronic pain is vastly under-recognized, underfunded, and under-treated when considering its significant impact on...
I’m a 75-year-old senior citizen. I’ve experienced a life filled with the joys and sorrows typical of those of us...
Life has a wonderful way of rapidly changing from appearing to be running smoothly to suddenly feeling out of control....
There are moments in my daily life when I get a feeling of anxiety and potential loss, wondering how I could possibly...