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Revitalizing Our U.S. Pain Volunteer Network: New Ways to Get Involved

Experience Connection and Support at the 4th Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp!

Imagine A Life With Pain — Where No One Believes You
Have you written to your legislator yet?
Apr 22, 2020| News
Have you participated in our email-writing campaign asking policymakers to ensure patients with pain have access to care? We're asking that state and federal officials take steps to: ensure telehealth copays cost no more than in-person visits,...
Pediatric pain warriors: Join us for storytime and interactive PT
Apr 20, 2020| News
U.S. Pain's Pediatric Pain Warriors Program has announced its latest special events and programming for this week: Storytime with Rapunzel (a Disney character actress!) on Thursday, April 23, at 7 pm ET An interactive physical therapy session with...
Survey highlights vulnerabilities of chronically ill during COVID-19 pandemic
Apr 15, 2020| News, Press release
MIDDLETOWN, CONN., APRIL, 16, 2020 - Without adequate telehealth, individuals with chronic health issues face a difficult choice: receive in-person care and put themselves at risk of COVID-19, or deal with increased symptoms and worsening health....
Join the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program’s online events!
Apr 14, 2020| News
To help support you during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program is offering a variety of events (both educational and fun!) and interactive group meetings, including: A parents Q&A with Alyssa Dickens, a pediatric physical...
Webinar featuring two researchers on COVID-19 and chronic pain
Apr 6, 2020| News
With the constant stream of information about COVID-19, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Tomorrow night at 7 pm ET, you're invited to a Zoom webinar designed to give you an evidence-based understanding of COVID-19 and its impact...
Pediatric Pain Warriors host online talent show
Mar 31, 2020| News
In an effort to create a sense of community during a time of isolation and uncertainty, the Pediatric Pain Warrior Program held a virtual talent show on March 29 via video conference call. A total of 13 performers showcased their talents, including...