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Revitalizing Our U.S. Pain Volunteer Network: New Ways to Get Involved

Experience Connection and Support at the 4th Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp!

Imagine A Life With Pain — Where No One Believes You
Hearing on pain makes headlines: Let’s keep up the momentum
On Feb. 12, for the first time in years, Congress held a hearing on chronic pain. We were proud to have Cindy Steinberg, National Director of Policy and Advocacy, as one of the four selected witnesses who gave testimony. As a reminder, you can...
Learn about the draft report on pain management
Even though the draft report from the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force is vitally important, it's understandable that people with pain may not have the time or energy for reading a 91-page report. With that in mind, we have...
Scholarships available for support group leader training in San Francisco
Feb 19, 2019| News
Through Pain Connection, U.S. Pain Foundation offers a network of support groups across the country. These support groups are led by people with pain who have received special training via Pain Connection's Clinical Director, Gwenn Herman, LCSW,...
Help us keep the conversation about pain going at a national level
Pain patients need and deserve a seat at the table (even if it means bringing in a cot!). On Feb. 12, they finally got one. "We are incredibly grateful to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) for including Cindy...
Save the date for the next Pediatric Pain Warrior retreat!
Feb 7, 2019| News
We are delighted to share the dates and location of the next Pediatric Pain Warrior weekend retreat: May 24-26 at Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio, TX. Morgan's Wonderland is an ultra-accessible family fun park with rides and activities for kids...
Cindy Steinberg to speak at U.S. Senate hearing on pain management
Cindy Steinberg, National Director of Policy and Advocacy for U.S. Pain Foundation, has been selected as one of four expert witnesses to speak at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. The...