The Pediatric Pain Warrior Program is dedicated to helping kids with pain and their families feel less alone and empowered to take charge of their care. One of the ways it does this is through weekend retreats, the most recent of which was held this fall in Illinois. Approximately 75 kids with pain and their loved ones—more than 200 people total—traveled from all across the country to take part.
It can be difficult to express the impact these weekends have in words or pictures. But when combined, in video format, you can start to get a sense of the difference the weekend retreats can make.
“We’re honored to share a video from the most recent weekend,” says Nicole Hemmenway, interim CEO of U.S. Pain. “It was created thanks entirely to the generosity of Marv Turner and his company, Yellow Dog Productions.” (Turner recently joined the Board of Directors for U.S. Pain; read more here.)
Thanks to the generosity of an array of corporate and individual donors, the Pediatric Pain Warrior weekend retreats are free to attend, with some families receiving scholarships to help offset the cost of travel.
To help support the program, Tyler Cashman, Director of Pediatric Fundraising, will host a Points for Pain fundraiser on Feb. 20 at 7 pm at Voorhees High Shool in Glen Gardner, NJ. Cashman, now 17, has raised more than $100,000 for kids with pain since he started Points for Pain 2015. This is the program’s fifth year. To get involved with Points for Pain, email