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Revitalizing Our U.S. Pain Volunteer Network: New Ways to Get Involved

Experience Connection and Support at the 4th Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp!

Imagine A Life With Pain — Where No One Believes You
Patient groups come together to weigh in on HHS prescription costs plan
The rising costs of prescription medications is one of the most pressing issues in health care today. This spring, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a 44-page plan to tackle the issue, called “American Patients First.” U.S....
States beginning to support reimbursement for alternative care
In the midst of a spate of laws restricting access to care and medication for chronic pain patients, several states are quietly trying to ensure that patients can access alternative or complementary treatment options. “We know that many people with...
Schedule a meeting with your elected official this summer
While summer may seem like a chance for taking a break from advocacy, it’s actually the perfect time to schedule in-district meetings with representatives and senators and educate them on issues related to chronic pain. “The schedules of elected...
Getting to know U.S. Pain’s Interim CEO: Nicole Hemmenway
Aug 1, 2018| News
Nicole Hemmenway was appointed Interim CEO of U.S. Pain earlier this spring. Below, she answers some insight into her pain journey and her vision for the organization going forward. 1) When were you diagnosed with chronic pain? I’ve lived with...
Learn how to use mindfulness to reduce pain and stress on July 17
Jul 2, 2018| News
The U.S. Pain Foundation is excited to present the next event in its bimonthly webinar series, "From ow to om: Using mindfulness to reduce pain and stress,” featuring Gwenn Herman, LCSW, DCSW. Herman is the clinical director for U.S. Pain’s Pain...
Millions in federal funding earmarked for pain research
In April at the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit and in a recent Journal of American Medical Association article, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), announced a bold new initiative to advance addiction and pain...