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Finding Your Path: Becoming the Driver for Positive Change

This is the third installment of a three-part series leading up to the exciting re-launch of the U.S. Pain Foundation Volunteer Network. You can read the first part here and the second part here. Picture yourself driving on a long, winding road in the middle of the...








Research Pain to Manage Pain

Research Pain to Manage Pain

The need for more pain management options has perhaps never been greater or more urgent—with more than 51.6 million Americans living with chronic pain and 17.1 million experiencing high-impact chronic pain. Yet despite the enormous disease burden...

The Impact of Pain in America

The Impact of Pain in America

The latest population health data findings from the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) reiterate an often-overlooked fact: millions of Americans are living with daily pain. Almost 21% of the U.S. population—51.6 million adults—lives...

Learn How To Become An Effective Advocate This Fall

Learn How To Become An Effective Advocate This Fall

This October, U.S. Pain will be hosting its annual Virtual Advocacy Training Series to teach advocates how to use their voice to improve pain management for everyone who lives with chronic diseases or serious injuries in the United States. ...

Summer Camp Lets Kids Be Kids—With Pain

Summer Camp Lets Kids Be Kids—With Pain

Kids climbing the rock wall at Morgan’s Wonderland Camp in San Antonio, Texas, this June had knee braces, carefully applied kinesiology tape, forearm crutches, and other adaptive tools. Some of them used wheelchairs. They all live with chronic pain...

My Unexpected Solution for Peace of Mind

My Unexpected Solution for Peace of Mind

I love the moments in life that can be so peaceful, rewarding, interesting, and, at times, so unexpected. But, when things get tough, sometimes it’s hard to find that return of peace and wonder.  After experiencing a cardiac event during a...
