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Revitalizing Our U.S. Pain Volunteer Network: New Ways to Get Involved

Experience Connection and Support at the 4th Annual Pediatric Pain Warrior Family Summer Camp!

Imagine A Life With Pain — Where No One Believes You
How the NIH HEAL Initiative is addressing unmet needs of people with chronic pain
Sep 11, 2023| #PainTrials, News
While chronic pain is a very individual problem, it also costs society at large so much: lost hours in productivity, wasted dollars on ineffective treatments, strain on the health care and insurance systems, and the collective impact on people...
Medically Complex? Tips to Prepare for an Emergency or Planned Hospitalization
I live with two incurable conditions that have led to many experiences in the hospital. Along the way, I have learned that, as a medically complex person, it is best to prepare for a planned or emergency hospital stay. I highly recommend taking...
From Lab to Real World: The Steps to Creating New Pain Treatments
Sep 5, 2023| #PainTrials, News
Chronic pain affects more than 1 in 5 Americans, impacting their physical, emotional, and overall well-being, yet there have been few truly new treatment options in years. Still, various types of research are underway to find new medications and...
Research Pain to Manage Pain
Aug 31, 2023| #PainTrials, News
The need for more pain management options has perhaps never been greater or more urgent—with more than 51.6 million Americans living with chronic pain and 17.1 million experiencing high-impact chronic pain. Yet despite the enormous disease burden...
The Impact of Pain in America
Aug 25, 2023| #PainTrials, News
The latest population health data findings from the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) reiterate an often-overlooked fact: millions of Americans are living with daily pain. Almost 21% of the U.S. population—51.6 million adults—lives...
Learn How To Become An Effective Advocate This Fall
Aug 24, 2023| News
This October, U.S. Pain will be hosting its annual Virtual Advocacy Training Series to teach advocates how to use their voice to improve pain management for everyone who lives with chronic diseases or serious injuries in the United States. ...